Saturday, March 8, 2008

Panasonic VCR

I found this on a bench outside a restaurant, of all places. It was the night before trash pickup, and I was on my way to Wal-Mart when I saw it and a small TV just sitting there. Were these items actually garbage? Did the restaurant owners set them there, but forgot to move them to the curb on the other side of the sidewalk? I made a mental note, then continued on to Wal-Mart. On the way back, they were still there and I stopped and deliberated for a couple of minutes. They looked like trash (i.e. old and a little beat up), but I don't want to grab something that isn't actually being thrown away. Since I'm doing a write-up about it, I assume you can figure out my final decision. I did leave the TV, but more because I don't mess with TVs anyway.
This looks to be a basic low-end model, sort of like the JVC a few entries back. My guess is that the restaurant had it and the TV mounted up on the wall, though playing videos instead of jsut having the TV running in the background seems sort of unusual.
The front panel was sort of a letdown. The buttons were asymmetrical and did not mirror each other, so they weren't worth me saving from a design standpoint. On the plus side, those little black switches popped out easily, and might make nice little detail pieces.
The chassis, removed from the circuit board. Most of the little gears came out.
The trophy pile, which I somehow managed to photograph with simlutaneously too much shadow and too much light. That little group of black things in the lower right corner are the button switches I mentioned earlier.

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