Saturday, March 21, 2009

WindChaser 12BFD fan

I see more fans than I pick up. They're generally too bulky to transport long distances, and even when they're not, there are so few useful parts in them that it's just not worth it most of the time. This one is an exception, much like the last one I wrote about, because I found it right outside my apartment building.

This is one of those box fans where the louvers spin to create oscillation. They're almost hypnotic to watch as well. Well, this one's probably not spinning anymore, so at least I can get the big sprocket that turns it.

But first, I'll get the buttons from the control panel. This being a box fan, there's not much to it.

Then again, maybe I won't get that sprocket. The back grate came off without much fuss, but on the whole this fan didn't want to come apart.

All I got were just the buttons. A note about the paper under them: I'm a bit embarrassed at how long it took me to solve the problem of the glare coming off the floor. Not a perfect solution (still hard to see transparent parts, and now white parts blend in too), but it didn't cost anything, so I'm happy with it.

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