Saturday, January 17, 2009

Singer model 6235 sewing machine

It's been two weeks, with winter vacation and all, since I've written about garbage. I don't want to sprain any brain cells, so I'm going to do a fairly easy write-up this week. That means, you guessed it, it's time for another sewing machine that wouldn't come apart.


Today's specimen is a Singer, though I can't say for sure the vintage. If I had to guess, I'd say some time in the 80s. While I haven't taken this specific model apart before, I know I've scrapped some other Singers of the era because I have some of those silver sliders.


Pop off the slider tips, open the hood, and stare at all those parts that aren't going to come out. But that's OK, I've come to accept the crap shoot aspect of taking sewing machines apart. Might as well accept it, because I doubt it's changing any time in the near future.


Not many parts out of this one. Mostly just surface parts.

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